We’ve Moved!!



is now…


Come see the new site design and don’t forget to change your bookmarks.  We look forward to continuing our exploration of Upstate New York, one adventure at a time.

Fresh Powder

On Sunday the sun came out and we hopped in the car to see how much snow had fallen the day before. We took a drive up on the Tug Hill, stopped by Dry Hill and Sackets Harbor and found some other people who were as excited to get out in the snow as we were. What a beautiful way to end a year full of adventure. We can’t wait to see what 2013 brings!

BultonsBeach DryHill Frozen Frozen2 IcyBarn PineTrees2 Skiing Snow SnowFence Snowmobile SnowPanorama



The holiday snow has arrived in Upstate New York and with it a proper atmosphere befitting of the season. The rooftops, pine trees and streets are dusted with a fine layer of powered sugar that sparkles in the sunlight making everything look just a little more magical. So here is to the year that has passed and wishing you all a wonderful holiday season filled with love and happiness.

With Love,


Summer Daydream


The weather has been so dreary over the weekend that we decided to take a look back to sunnier days and sort some photos from a boating trip around Henderson Harbor over the summer. How did you stay warm this weekend?


Beauty in the Details


The weather on Thanksgiving was certainly something to be thankful for – 60° and brilliantly sunny is a always a good start to a November day. We wanted to take some time to appreciate the small things this year, so in an effort to stop and smell the roses we would like to share with you all of the beauty we discovered in the details, as we embraced what may be the last balmy day of 2012 in Upstate New York. We hope you found some unexpected beauty this holiday as well. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to all of yours!
WindowTinPanGalleyIronRailingStainedGlassWindowPuffClockTowerCollageGreenTruckLightsCollageBokehBarbed WireIronNovemberRoseCollage